aadministration is the administrative place within the organization.
Secondment of Financial & Administrative Personnel in the Netherlands and Belgium.
The cornerstone of your success
As an entrepreneur you would like to pay as much attention as possible to your business, your customers and your own staff.
Accountancy & taxation, as important as they are, often provide an unwanted distraction.
So count on BPmasai, because we are there for you with all the accounting and tax services you need!
Not only do we comply with the letter of the law, so that you are completely in order, but we also look to the future.
Your accounting soon becomes one of the cornerstones of your successful business.
Do business without worries
We are very experienced in advising and facilitating all your accounting and tax questions.
Not only do we ensure that you comply with all your legal obligations in a timely and correct manner, but as a team we assist you where necessary.
We are also available wherever and whenever you want. A traditional meeting, a phone call, an email or even a live chat? Everything is possible,because we believe in a personal approach!
Whether you have specific or recurring assignments, or even need help with your entire financial administration: you can count on us to relieve you and give you time & space for your core activities.
What do you get from us?
Timely and correct accounting, reporting and financial advice
Experienced Financial & Administrative interim and project manager
A personal approach that suits your company
Communication as you wish
Space to do business without worries
Get started with the right information
Virtually every business decision is based on financial data. A correct overview of that information is therefore crucial to be able to make well-considered choices as an entrepreneur.
If you really want to grow as a company, then you would do well to choose a partner who assists you with such information.
Customized support
BPmasai is ready for all your questions and ensures that you can quickly continue with your business.
We offer, among others, the following services:
Analysis and set up of costing systems
Analysis and startup analytical accounting
Preparation of consolidated reporting and annual figures
Preparation of budget figures, cash planning and assistance with interim review
Preparation of management reports and dashboards
Rate :
My hourly rate is 60 € excl. 0,40 euro/km displacement more than 4 hours en max. 7 hours
My hourly rate is 65 € excl. 0.40 euro/km journey for a maximum of 4 hours
My daily rate in a 38 h/week is 450 € excl. 0.40 euro/km for extra travel
Rate is always negotiable depending on type of support and duration.
The travel rates are always exclusive of 0.40 euros/km for extra travel
Just like last year, we are of course always available if you have any questions or comments.